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Consejos por su vida en Costa Rica

Advice for your life in Costa Rica

(What they don't tell you at orientation meeting)


  • The ticos, especially girls, almost never wear shorts. If you want to blend in bring jeans. Yes it is hot and humid here but you will get used to it I promise.


  • A rain jacket is also a good idea because when it rains it can get a bit chilly.

  • No one can ever describe with words how crazy the drivers here are. Look both ways across the street and do what the locals do. That's all I can say.

  • If you're an American girl here, you will attract a lot of attention because especially when wearing shorts, you stick out like a sore thumb. Don't pay attention to the honking or cat calls you get while walking to school nothing bad will come. 

  • Bug spray is a must. Also, hydrocortizone because even though you swear you put bug spray on, you will get bit. 

  • The hardest thing was budgeting... the excursions they offer are always very fun and you never want to not go because of money, so think about that when planning expenses. They usually range between $50-$75.

  • Depending on your bank, it might be better to have/change all your money before coming. You avoid nasty exchange rates and crazy ATM fees.

  • Also, I realize I have spent more than 60% of my money on snacks, plan ahead if you enjoy snacking and take advantage of super markets. Maybe instead of going to the AMPM every day and buying a bag of platacones everyday, you can walk to Pali (you will understand these references very soon) and buy some zip lock bags and a big bag and split them to take to school. 

  • The people you come here with will soon be your family, though they are comeplete strangers when you begin, they become the best people you have ever met. Leave the drama at home. It is easy to get caught up in it but I swear it is so much better when you are worry free. Tranquilo :)

  • 500 colones=1 dollar. So just double the price in colones and that is how much it is in dollars. Ex: 1 mil colones= $2 5 mil colones = $10

  • It is a good idea to buy a phone. It is a lot easier to communicate with people using a local phone because we don't always have wifi. They are about $30 and come with so many minutes preloaded you won't have to worry again. You can even text the states.

  • And yes, there is wifi in Costa Rica

  • Yes the first day or two in the house will be awkward. There is no way around that, but try your absolute hardest to chat with them. They love hearing about your day at school or your weekend activities but they won't pry. You have to take the initiative to share with them and practice your spanish.

  • Do yourself a favor, don't take cold showers. You shouldn't ever have to take one. If you don't understand how to do it, ask your family! The key is to not turn it on very high, actually it's so low you think if you turn it a little more it will turn off, that is where the hot water is.

  • Buy a disposable under water camera, you'll thank me later.

  • Confidence is key when learning spanish. Don't ever be embarrassed about messing up because no one really cares as long as you are trying!

  • Play soccer, go to dance class, learn to cook the meals they teach I promise all of these activities really add to the experience.

  • Finally, come with an open mind. Be ready to relax, take naps without judgement, eat the sweetest fruits y0u've ever had and enjoy. Solo buenas vibras.


Any questions about anything Costa Rican email me at

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